Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Pocket full of memories

The Pockets Full of Memories Project was a collaboration between Dr. Timo Honkela, the C3 Center for Culture and Communication, Projekttriangle, Dr. Brigitte Steinheider, Andreas Schlegel, and CREATE lab. it was shown in the Centre Pompidou (Paris) in 2001. The project was interactive, allowing the viewers to scan objects with them into a database from which the computer selected 280 images and grouped them on a screen based on the descriptions viewers provided with the items. the algorithm continually reorganized the map based on the new scans and the descriptions provided.

The project deals with memory in an interesting way. It is a visual representation of the connective way the human mind processes memories, based on the way we think of them. For instance a hand might be placed next to money or keys since you use hands to carry them. This suggests that memory is not a temporal function but a relational one. The constant change of the images in relation to each other implies an ever changing mental slew of relational connections.

I think the only suggestion I have that could have made it better would be to have more of a web-like structure for the production. The grid of squares suggests an ordered connection, which the objects don't really agree with; they imply a more random connection.


Illustrator Self-Portrait

Here's my final Illustrator project! :D